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2008年美国总统大选的时候,奥巴的一句“你就算给猪涂上口,它也还是只猪” 曾经引起选民的广泛争议,同时,也让lipstick on a pig这个出现于上世纪二十年代的习惯用语重新回到们的口中,一时间,lipstick on a pig成了美国人民很爱用的一个短语。

  Have you ever tried to 'dress up' something unappealing in a vain attempt to make it look better? For instance, that tired old sofa is still looking tired, even though you've put a 'luxury throw' on it, and that ugly concrete yard is still a concrete yard, even though you've adorned it with a couple of pot plants. These attempts to make something unpleasant look more attractive which, despite our best efforts, are decidedly unsuccessful, are classic examples of lipstick on a pig.


  In fact the idea of vain attempts at converting something from ugly to attractive, as intended by use of lipstick on a pig, is similar to that of the famous old proverb “You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear”, which dates back to the mid-16th century.


